Ml'sahe 26 was established by Seneca Enterprises LLC for the
purpose of serving and servicing those in need. Helping individuals
successfully accomplish
professional and personal goals, is the mission of Ml'sahe 26.
Our Mission
Helping others' achieve their goals,
dreams, and aspirations in a
positive way by aiding change.

Changing lives from:
negative to positive,
unhealthy to healthy,
uneducated to educated,
unhappy to happy,
unlovable to lovable,
uninspired to inspired.  

Doing our part to make the world a
better place!
Contact us:
About Us:
As a result, we are equipped with professionals in the areas previously
spoken about.  We have:
  • Professional/Elite Athletes to educate and train you as it
    relates to Health & Fitness.
  • Third Party Resources Locating.

Thank you for visiting Ml'sahe 26. We truly hope that your health and
fitness goals will be met. That your professional needs are solved and
resolved. And your design dreams are created.
Our core focus involves the betterment of one's mind and body as it
relates to Health & Fitness.  Therefore former Professional Athlete and
Purdue University Alumni Mr. Michael Hawthorne started  Ml'sahe 26
Health & Fitness Club with a unique twist.  We have Professional/Elite
Athletes that work with individuals young, old, male, female, athletic,
and non athletic alike.
Our goal for
Ml'sahe 26 Health & Fitness Club is to create a healthier
and stronger you both mentally and physically.
We also assist with locating third party Design and Consulting.
Utilizing the many resources that we have in various areas, we will be
happy to point anyone in the right direction of a third party per your
request if we can help
If there is a problem we will aide you in finding solutions.
Copyright ©2008-2021 Seneca Enterprises LLC/ ml'sahe 26. All Rights Reserved
Ml'sahe 26
With Discipline, Drive, Dedication,
Determination and a little fun; all
goals are attainable.    
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